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Tai Chi Short  Stick

元門功法  > 太極短棍

元門太極短棍 ~ 行草篇

10 Pattern Forms of Tai Chi Short Stick



短棍第一勢   起勢

短棍第二勢  “應”字篇功法、

短棍第三勢  “無”字篇功法、

短棍第四勢  “所”字篇功法、

短棍第五勢  “住”字篇功法、

短棍第六勢  “而”字篇功法、

短棍第七勢  “生”字篇功法

短棍第八勢  “其”字篇功法

短棍第九勢  “心”字篇功法

短棍第十勢   收勢

1st Movement for Short Stick: Commence Movement

2nd Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Ying” (應)

3rd Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Wu” (無)

4th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Suo” (所)

5th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Zhu” (住)

6th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Er” (而)

7th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Sheng” (生)

8th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Qi” (其)

9th Movement for Short Stick: Movement for the character “Xin” (心)

10th Movement for Short Stick: Closing Movement





Tai Chi short stick is a form of stick-fighting in the school of Tai Chi martial arts. Combining techniques from Tai Chi and stick-fighting, the short stick calligraphy-like edition also encompasses elements from Tai Chi sword fighting. The practice integrates Eastern sword movements with Chinese calligraphy’s Eight Principles of Yong (principles that explain how to write the eight common strokes in the Chinese regular script, all of which are found in the character [yong]), with the movements of the short stick mimicking calligraphy strokes. Eastern breathing techniques and regulation of the inner channels and meridians are exercised through this practice, achieving the benefits of expelling cold energy from the body and increasing positiveness and warmth.


行棍時,練習劍勢技擊特色:抽、帶、提、格、擊、刺、點、崩、攪、壓、截、洗等。依棍梢去點啄、崩擊,透過臂屈伸張,完成各種刺法;用棍長去攻取或攔截,用棍身的滑動、揮擺,形成直線或弧線的帶、抹、抽、撩、削等功法。棍勢設計左手與右手,相互交換練習,帶動全身運動及增加肢體的平衡柔韌度。 以套路為主要形式、特點是輕盈敏捷,氣勢流暢,靈活多變,剛柔相兼,吞吐自如,形式多樣,運動簡便,老少皆宜。

While training with the short stick, specific features from sword movements are also practiced. Movements with the short stick have been designed for the left and right hands, and switching between the two hands during practice to allows one to exercise the whole body and to enhance the sense of balance and physical flexibility. The practice is centered around routines, focusing on lightness, swiftness, fluidity, and forming a balance between hardness and softness. It is a simple and accessible exercise that is suited to people of all ages.



Physical coordination, agility, and flexibility can be improved with extensive practice of Tai Chi short stick, benefiting the body’s overall development as well as the functionality of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.



By using the martial arts stick to mimic writing calligraphy characters, one's physical and mental state can be further elevated through learning the meaning behind the words. Through training the body( external)and the mind(internal), besides healthful benefits, the quality of one’s life can also be reshaped.

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